Sappho and her time – Ens. Melpomen

Theognis (Theognis)

Giovanni Cantarini, voce/kithara

Conrad Steinmann, flauto-aulos



Melpomen Ensemble, Live in Innovantiqua – Winterthur


Conrad Steinmann

Arianna Savall

Luiz Alves da Silva

Giovanni Cantarini

Massimo Cialfi


Ancient Greek Music

newly-explored and interpreted



For the first time ever, an attempt is being made

to revive music through intense research and

reconstruction from the classical Greek period.

With the use of instruments and their original

playing techniques, in addition to the ancient

Greek language, the everyday musical life of

Ancient Greece is audible again, although the

original music of that time has been lost for ever.

Ancient Greece is audible again, although the

original music of that time has been lost for ever.

For almost 20 years the musician and musical

archaeologist, Conrad Steinmann and the

instrument maker, Paul J. Reichlin have worked

together on the reconstruction of musical

instruments and music from the Ancient Greek

classical period. The meticulous study of original

ancient instruments in the museums of London,

Paestum, Copenhagen, Athens, Korinth, Vravróna,

Pol.gyros and Thessaloniki form the basis for

the rebuilding of these instruments. Also vase

paintings from the time around 500 BC provide

a significant amount of picture material for the

analysis of these instruments.